Polyamorous Perspectives: 20 Quotes on Three-Way Relationships

Three-way relationship quotes

Discover quotes about polyamory, where individuals engage in relationships with more than one partner.

Polyamory involves romantic or sexual relationships with multiple partners, with everyone involved consenting and aware of the arrangement.

Those who practice polyamory reject the notion that deep, loving, long-term relationships require monogamy or exclusivity with one partner.

Some polyamorous individuals practice polyfidelity, limiting their sexual activity to a closed group within the relationship.

Polyamory is a form of consensual non-monogamy.


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Polyamory Sayings Regarding the Difficulties

The following quotes highlight some of the main challenges people encounter when opting for this type of relationship.

1. “Managing jealousy is a recurring theme on polyamorous support sites.” —Sayde Scarlett

2. “Inherent in the whole polygamous movement is a deep and abiding misogyny and denigration of women.” — Gene Robinson

3. “And even though polygamous people feel no jealousy at the beginning of their new relationship, with time, that changes.” —Ariel Quinn

4. “Although the law does acknowledge the possibility of polygamy in ancient Israel, one should not correlate possibility with permissibility.” — Lucy Carter

5. “Couples in a polyamorous relationship don’t fully anticipate the emotional response they might have to their partner being with another person.” — David Helfand

6. “Those that believe in polyamory refer to it as the new frontier for love, which I find completely irritating as a marriage expert as I see how this is destructive to marriages.”  Dr. Karen Ruskin

7. “The truth is that every partner that is added to a relationship adds more potential for drama, and in the vast majority of cases, that drama is just not worth it in the long run.” — Ossiana Tepfenhart

8. “Monogamous relationships can offer a deep sense of emotional connection and fulfillment, as partners can invest their time, energy, and resources fully into one another.” — Dr. Terri Orbuch

9. “Traditional marriage offers the opportunity to build a legacy together, through the creation and nurturing of a family that will endure beyond the lifetime of the individuals involved.” — Dr. David Hawkins

10. “To think that poly relationships don’t suffer from jealousy is a myth. Issues with time management, jealousy that stems from insecurity, and unhealthy comparisons are likely to arise in any dynamic.” — Shivanya Yogmayaa

Quotes on Polyamory: The Challenges of Multi-Parent Relationships

Here are some additional insights that are often overlooked by individuals interested in polyamory.

11. “It is my clinical opinion that polyamory is simply one more technique of conflict avoidance and problem escapism to the external.” — Dr. Karen Ruskin

12. “Monogamy allows individuals to focus their emotional and physical energy on one person, which can lead to a deeper level of connection and intimacy.” — Dr. Karen Blair

13. “Polyamory can be challenging because it requires confronting jealousy and insecurity, and working through those feelings with all partners involved.” — Dedeker Winston

14. “Polyamory can be difficult to navigate because it requires managing the emotions and needs of multiple partners, which can be overwhelming at times.” — Eve Rickert

15. “When you always have another option, you stop putting in the amount of effort you should put into a relationship. It tends to bring out the worst in you.” Ossiana Tepfenhart

16. “Whether you like to admit it or not, you can’t divide your heart into equal parts. You can’t give all of your partners the same amount of emotions.” — Ariel Quinn

17. “The first time your spouse goes on a date with another person, or you hear them in the bedroom with someone else, it can create an intense emotion that you might not know how to process or have been prepared for.” — David Helfand

18. “Until now, you had two people trying to reach a compromise. Now, you have three or more adults trying to do the same thing. How does this not make things even more complicated?” — Ariel Quinn

19. “People who practice polyamory face unique health issues. These include a potentially higher risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) from having multiple sexual partners, and anxiety or depression stemming from managing multiple relationships.”  Jenna Fletcher

20. “The vast majority of people who attempt consensual non-monogamy, however, must at some people deal with jealousy, insecurity, fear, and a host of other potentially challenging emotions.” — Elisabeth A. Sheff, Ph.D.


Polyamory involves engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with multiple partners, with everyone involved consenting and aware of the arrangement.

Those who practice polyamory reject the idea that deep, loving, long-term relationships require monogamy or exclusivity with one partner.

Some may practice polyfidelity, limiting sexual activity to a closed group within the relationship.

However, polyamory can come with challenges such as managing jealousy, confronting insecurities, and balancing the emotional needs of multiple partners.

Critics also argue that it can lead to complications and conflicts, potentially affecting emotional well-being.


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